
Pete Halvorsen is an award winning travel, lifestyle and humanitarian photographer based out of Los Angeles. Pete has been a member of the Instagram Community for over 2 years. His mobile photography has been sold and shown in galleries as well as featured online by Instagrams Weekly Blog, Ink361, Lifeproof, Project365, PixelPost and PicTapGo.


What does mobile photography mean to you?

Do you simply shoot and share everything you see? Some do. But what if you want to carefully craft every image. What if you become your own public relations firm, magazine editor, ad agency, creative director, copywriter, retoucher, processing lab…oh right and photographer. Well, Instagram has created a venue in which Mobile Photography is catching up to “Main Stream” photography. But what separates the good from the…meh. The eye, you can teach numbers and technical information, what you can’t teach is the eye. No doubt, Mobile Photography and Instagram have made me a better photographer, it has opened up doors for me that wouldn’t have been there 4 or 5 years ago.

What is your favorite PicTapGo feature?

I’m always looking for a way to streamline my workflow. I spend enough time on my computer in Lightroom for my professional shoots, who wants to spend their "free time" on their iPhone editing photos for hours on end.

That is where PicTapGo came in for me about a month ago. I first used the App on the now Infamous Santa Monica Instameet. It has created a perfect easy way for me to create the image that I want quickly. Being drawn to a certain "theme" on the beaches of Los Angeles. I quickly learned that PicTapGo’s recipe feature was perfect for being out on the beach, shooting a photo and just trusting that the image would be processed correctly by using my go to recipes. My recipes normally consist of a combination of Dream World, Sugar Rush, Bleached and Randsburg. One of my favorite edits came using the Montecito Filter, but I’ve found for my taste it was specific to nighttime low light shots. I’m excited to see where the future of Mobile Photography is headed. I’m also excited to go down that road with a forward thinking app like PicTapGo.

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